Project Governance
Microsoft Dynamics 365 projects are a major investment that requires effective decision making, control and oversight to ensure that the organisation achieves what it expects. Dynamics Pact can fulfil this role.
Larger projects often require an additional layer of Project Governance which sits in between the client and main implementation partner.
If this is a requirement for your implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 we have our own project Governance Team within DynamicsPact. We can provide a range of project governance services to ensure that all stakeholders, including the board, executive management, customers, and staff have clear accountability for their respective responsibilities in the decision-making processes affecting IT.
This prevents IT or business leaders from independently making decisions about IT without retaining responsibility for their actions and the impact they have on supporting the achievement of strategic objectives.
DynamicsPact understands that IT Governance has a major role to play at board-level because it is directly related to the investment choices taken by top management, which have long term consequences for various stakeholders.
We are flexible in our approach and can provide this service as one-off for the initial implementation or as an ongoing service. Our experience drawn from similar projects means we can review, compare and benchmark on a like for like basis.
Whilst DynamicsPact delivers the essential components of good governance through helping its clients manage risk and ensure compliance, it also sees the value of being focused on delivering value to the business and measuring performance.